Friday, 26 October 2012

26th October - Media lesson

This is my last lesson before we leave for a break of one week during the half term! I will be posting during the holidays but I can do very little in terms with the animatic etc. due to not owning a mac at home! So are group as a whole have all assigned certain tasks so when we are back from the holidays we can get straight back in with the blog and our film! The assigned tasks are as followed:

- Oli - Finish part two of the storyboards due to having our first idea being changed.

- Ed - Write a script for odd numbers on the different shots of the storyboard so we can finish are animatic when we get back.

- Me - Write a script for even numbers on the different shots of the storyboard.

Our organisation skills will be a real advantage to us when we have to complete our five minute film because we will have less to focus. Me and Ed have both used our phones to take pictures of the different storyboards parts and we currently both use the Blogger iPhone app so we can upload work straight away. 

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