Thursday, 25 October 2012

25th October - Media lesson - First animatic part COMPLETED.

Furthering our work on the animatic we have successfully completed the first part! The completion of this involves both finishing the script, then reading it out while being recorded and then editing this over the images on iMovie. This is quite a time consuming task but the end result is a real achievement. We will post them all up together to show the animatic as a whole, but for the time being this is just the first part! ENJOY!

These are the pictures of the editing of the animatic on iMovie:

This is the overall picture of iMovie and the editing software we used to clip the recordings to the desired times.

 This picture shows this more clearly with a closer shot of the different recordings. We had a different recording for every shot because me and Ed took it in turns to speak over it so it was easier and less time consuming to edit. So all we needed to edit was mistakes when reading from the script and when increasing the time limit for how long the shots go on for. 

This is a larger shot of the top right hand corner of iMovie and shows what the final product will look like.

The final project of the first part!!

The script on word!

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