Thursday, 22 November 2012

21st November - Script for film

In today's lesson I thought I would start to get us more on track with actually beginning to film so the best way forward would be to create a basic outline for our script and then from there, we can decide what and what not to use in our final production. As the sub-heading states this 'Prezi' shows a 'Rough draft of (the) script' and the majority will most likely be wrought due to changing circumstances and what feels correct at the time to implement into our film. I have taken a few screen shots to take you through the process:

Broad view of whole 'Prezi' created.

This picture is just to show what overall product I have created rather than later on where I have actually posted the 'Prezi' presentation which will take you step by step through the script for the narrative.

'Path' on 'Prezi'.

Through the presentation I have made a 'Path' for the 'Prezi' to follow. This is to show my fellow group members how our overall ideas have come together and then we can act on this. This screen shot shows how to add anything to 'your path'.

Broad view of whole 'Path' on 'Prezi' created.

This shows a broader final product of the 'path' I created. It takes the user through by numbers so every time you click it creates a new screen shot with that number and moves to the left of the screen. From 1-10 of this particular 'Prezi' is the 'path' it will follow.

'Prezi' - First shot in presentation mode.

Final presentation of my 'Prezi'.

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